About This Here Thing

My first foray into the blogosphere was due to the fortuitous divine intervention of a stint with Americorps VISTA fundraising for Kaua’i Habitat for Humanity in 2009-2010.  As I continued to travel to other photogenic places, I’ve added photos from Turkey and Nicaragua, and even tried to post some musical tidbits for you all to enjoy.  Now I’m attempting to fill in the color of who I am through engaging with the Quaker side of my life, especially as it is expanding into all other aspects of music, work, and ministry.

“In the Quaker practice of group worship on the basis of silence come special times when an electric hush and solemnity and depth of power steals over the worshippers. A blanket of divine covering comes over the room, and a quickening Presence pervades us, breaking down some part of the special privacy and isolation of our individual lives and bonding our spirits within a super-individual Life and Power—an objective, dynamic Presence which enfolds us all, nourishes our souls, speaks glad, unutterable comfort within us, and quickens in us depths that had before been slumbering.”

excerpt from The Gathered Meeting from A Testament of Devotion by Thomas Kelly

One Response to “About This Here Thing”
  1. Nina Stryker says:

    What a fortuitous divine intervention indeed! A blessing….
    Congratulations again on your major accomplishment and passage into the world of work and service with BIG QUALIFICATIONS! You go!

    Love, Nina

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